Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Understanding The Dewa Symbols

What is Mind ?
The mind is:

  • Understanding
  • Conceptual
  • Sorting
  • Intuition
  • Feeling
  • Awareness

    What is important in Javanese mysticism. This is the mind which then manifested a symbol. The symbol is a tool of the mind or thoughts which are manifested

    In the person of Java that thoughts denoted as a Bajang Kid (BOCAH BAJANG). Bajang Kid is a lot of good playing around game for the conscious and unconscious

    Bajang Kid is played by the mind . in ancient stories called DEWA/DEWO.
    if the Bajang Kid given devices such thoughts and feelings of love, Be understanding of her as a Love Dewa (Love Gods).

    Please readers to practice making a Dewa with your thoughts!

    But what is clear so your concept of Bajang Kid  . it means you have thrust the concept of a form thoughts

    Please readers to practice until your own a Bajang Kid in the real world.
    This is called the mind

    I often say that evil and goodness are the same as its form. Sadness and happiness are the same as its form is YOU OWN.
    Therefore you must train your mind.

    What is Anger ?

    What is Happiness ?
    What is a Crime ?
    What is desperately ?
    What is Love ?

    You should be able to sort, concep, define, conclusions ... and of course with the thought !!!

    Be careful because the behavior, your character is a picture of your thoughts tangible. and who called the BAJANG KID

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