Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Understanding The Dewa Symbols

What is Mind ?
The mind is:

  • Understanding
  • Conceptual
  • Sorting
  • Intuition
  • Feeling
  • Awareness

    What is important in Javanese mysticism. This is the mind which then manifested a symbol. The symbol is a tool of the mind or thoughts which are manifested

    In the person of Java that thoughts denoted as a Bajang Kid (BOCAH BAJANG). Bajang Kid is a lot of good playing around game for the conscious and unconscious

    Bajang Kid is played by the mind . in ancient stories called DEWA/DEWO.
    if the Bajang Kid given devices such thoughts and feelings of love, Be understanding of her as a Love Dewa (Love Gods).

    Please readers to practice making a Dewa with your thoughts!

    But what is clear so your concept of Bajang Kid  . it means you have thrust the concept of a form thoughts

    Please readers to practice until your own a Bajang Kid in the real world.
    This is called the mind

    I often say that evil and goodness are the same as its form. Sadness and happiness are the same as its form is YOU OWN.
    Therefore you must train your mind.

    What is Anger ?

    What is Happiness ?
    What is a Crime ?
    What is desperately ?
    What is Love ?

    You should be able to sort, concep, define, conclusions ... and of course with the thought !!!

    Be careful because the behavior, your character is a picture of your thoughts tangible. and who called the BAJANG KID

    About Jawa Mysticism 1

    Javanese culture among supporters still live the "ngelmu" which refers gnosis, mysticism and spirituality.

    Flavor (Roso) is not only a sensuous aesthetic experience . All human beings experience a sense then it should be recording the life of emotional, psychological, metaphysical which ultimately can become human better dignity

    Knowledge of the highest sense of the mystical quest objectives, through two stages : NGESTHI and NING.

    (According to Clifford Geertz), Ning is a quiet, Ngesthi is the concentration of one's strength to a destination referred to the excavation with intense or serious application, also instinktual disciplines such as fasting or vigil at night which can generate power spiritual intensity.

    Happy and sad, Day and night, Male and female, Bad and good, rich and poor, dead and alive, earth and sky etc. .... is a state that is in this world. all of that shaped the same but the atmosphere is different

    Life like swimming in water, depths of life. Felt like Onggoinggi's(water spider) swimming in ripples of water that is sometimes swift water, sometimes cloudy or sometimes no meaning anymore, should step aside. Similarly, in everyday life when we return in the form of a sense. the symbols that exist in this world will be the nature own.

    Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

    Load Package Mapguide

    Some suggestions about MapGuide:
    1. Find a Package on a search engine, find the file sheboygan.mgp
    2. Download sheboygan.mgp to exercise
    3. Thorough service : server side is running, not to impact the existence of Apache and IIS and other server side applications
    4. Mapguide server Start using the service Windows
    5. Practice editing package to MapGuide layer, layout, etc.using Maestro
    6. MapGuide Open Source 2 and Maestro 3 use the train because the more complete its features to SHP Procedure, raster DWF
    7. FDO Toolbox for use in training
    8. Follow the mailinglist about MapGuide
    9. if necessary, download video youtube
    10. Good Luck !!

    Kamis, 26 Mei 2011


    Sebelumnya ada yang harus anda perhatikan yaitu:
    1. Setting ulang modem artinya Modem telah disetting awal sebelumnya . Kamu tidak menjalankan run CD install
    2. Perhatikan username dan password modem, Kamu harus ingat username dan password tersebut bukan dari Speedy
    Caranya sebagai berikut :
    1. Kamu Sambungkan modem tersebut dengan komputer . Tentu saja dalam keadaan on
    2. Buka Browser ketik alamat IP
    3. Ketik Username dan Password modem ADSL. Ini tergantung dari Merk ADSL yang dipakai
    4. Terlihat status modem sebagai berikut:
    Anda simak benar informasi yang ada di layar semua adalah berhubungan dengan Status Modem ADSL
    • Anda bisa juga menggunakan Quick Start Klik pada RUN WIZARD
    Ikuti terus klik anda sampai selesai

    Cek lagi sambungan anda sesuai Speedy
    Nah tahap akhir ini yang paling penting :

    Masukkan Informasi yang sesuai sambungan ADSL:
    1. PVC
    2. VPI dan VCI ini sesuai dengan wilayah sambungan anda
    3. Masukkan Username dan Password Speedy anda. Lihat informasi ini pada saat Anda mendapat Berita Acara penyambungan speedy pertama kali
    4. Hati-hati username dan password tersebut jangan sampai jatuh ke tangan orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab
    Tutup browser dan jalankan lagi

    Semoga sukses setting ulang anda !!!

    Senin, 02 Mei 2011

    Supernatural of mind

    • Tan samar pamoring suksmo
    • sinuksmoyo winahya ing ngasepi
    • sinimpen telenging kalbu
    • pambukaning warono
    • tarlen saking layap liyeping ngaluyup
    • pindho pesating supeno
    • sinusuping roso jati
    (Mocopat Song... )
    clear rays of the soul
    of quiet 
    Stored in the
    Opening of the media
     Towards a single point of time will  sleep
    Like   start  a dreaming
     True feeling drained
    A slit acts as a swivel point, one reality turned into another reality of the situation becomes conscious and unconscious sleep similar to the gap when we go through the thought of an area that penetrate ordinary life and it is called Para or the supernatural.
    The reality of current food and food conscious during sleep / dreams are very different and therefore a gap (not conscious and not asleep) is opening unified understanding of the nature ...... one coordinate an integrated reality.
    All the objects in the world is the reality given by our thoughts private.
    (Evil coming from manifestation and manifestation related to Knowledge . Everything associated with knowledge is a hypothesis and assumptions. But do not think I was named the world is only a thought without reality. I mean that reality is manifested in the form of thought; world exists in the void images (imaginary) than those imajiner.Don't assume that the mind merely supposition and assumptions can not be eternal (Shayk Ibrahim Gazur-i-Illahi , The Secret of Ana'l-Haqq))
    How much longer there will be victims of crime hypnotic, gendam falling by just using what is called a manifestation of one's mind?

    Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

    Spiritual Diet ( Day and Night)

    Once you understand about the time as I have to post, you can make a healthy lifestyle. Way of life adopted by the ancient people so very good if we discipline to do it . This lifestyle is a lifestyle diet that we do everyday. There vegetarian diet, fasting diet and so forth. I will discuss the diet with the time law and human instinct.

    Antiquity .... one day the body fill material with juices of plants, from roots of rice, corn, wheat and so forth. When bright eyes can still see because of the element of fire. We may exploit the elements of the earth into food but at night ... this is what you should do

    It's a matter back to the purity of human behavior,,

    At night .. You must immediately sever its ties with elements of the earth ... at night you have to do is sleep or awake with all the limitations.
    This problem of purity so humans back to the primeval
    You may not eat in the form of tubers, rice, wheat, especially foods that have been cooked with fire
    You should replace it with food that is in the air hanging fruit and should not be exposed to the fire .. like a bat

    This is called the behavior of sky and earth, the behavior of the purity of day and night,