Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

Rituals Ceremony " Ngelmu" of Java's mystics

In ngesthi some people do rituals related to food and drink that sharp intuition, keen desire and also creates a void:
  1. MELEK No sleep last night not to be out overnight room away, cannot lay down sustenance.
  2. MUTIH  40 days only eat white rice and drink water a little at a time when the sun sets.
  3. NGEBLENG that is not out of room on the day last night, no lights, just come out when pee, should not be sleeping, eating and drinking
  4. NGLOWONG only eat certain with time-specific sleep only 3 hours
  5. NGROWOT must only eat one type of fruit of a maximum of 3 fruit from dawn until sunset.
  6.  NGANYEB may eat any but there is no taste 
  7.  NGIDANG must only drink water and leaves. Others may not.
  8.  NGEPEL only eat rice a day a fist up to 3 of the fist 
  9.  NGALONG, fasting ngrowot while hanging in trees with the position of the foot above the head under (such as a bat) doing this.
  10.  KUMKUM i.e. fasting cross-legged in a see two River currents are too start hour 12 night until 3 or 4 hours of the morning.
  11. PENDEM  i.e. fasting buried alive only   breath, usually for   7 days,

There is an expert in Javanese culture. He has been a role model "ngelmu" Java argues:
Don't you blackouts so. Especially when you are done with a very aggressive to achieve outside of common sense.
Indeed that is the ritual that is often executed but all I can say is a hoax. After you can finish it you won't get anything ...
You can benefit if you have been able to encapsulate all into something awareness of thought. Don't you think by carrying out ritual enough. You must have the intelligence to understand it all. And all that exists in the Mind
The end of doing a ritual some supernatural benefits can be obtained:
  • Not visible to human eyes
  • Immune to the sharp weapon
  • Can see jin Devil dar evil spirits
  • Strong characters

In Ngesthi : A sense of the body, the soul, beliefs, desires and completeness of the human senses, as well as to United cooking. Then became the symbol of the mind with its attributes

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